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مسل بليز - كرياتين مونوهيدرات
بواسطةمسل بليز
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مسل بليز - كرياتين مونوهيدرات

بواسطةمسل بليز
1 تقييمات
تاريخ التسليم المتوقع :-
أو قسم فاتورتك بقيمة 1.725 د.ب على 4 دفعات بدون رسوم تأخير، متوافقة مع الشريعة الإسلامية اعرف أكثر

حول هذا المنتج

Key Benefits

  • 100% pure creatine- Muscle blaze creatine monohydrate contains 5g of fast-absorbing micronized creatine per serving for rapid absorption rate with faster results in building strength & endurance.
  • Labdoor USA certified for accuracy- Muscle blaze creatine monohydrate is labdoor USA certified creatine for accuracy which means it has an accurate creatine quantity claim in the product.
  • Labdoor USA certified for purity- mb creatine monohydrate is labdoor USA certified creatine for purity. It implies meeting international norms of heavy metals & microbiology tests.
  • Replenishes your energy- mb creatine monohydrate replenishes your energy levels and enhances your body's capacity to perform high-intensity workouts, lift heavier, and improve physical performance.
  • Lean muscle gain- mb creatine helps in muscle volumization, improves lean muscle mass & actual gains in size & strength making it a favorite of athletes, bodybuilders & powerlifters.
  • First clinically tested whey protein offerings, the leading biozorb range by Muscle blaze is proven for efficacy of absorption, having a direct positive impact on muscle-building. The clinical study & its results are available in icmr's clinical trials registry.
  • Unflavored – flexibility to mix with any other protein or meal intake to consume. Else, consume standalone.

Benefits Of Creatine

  • Increases Strength & Power
  • Enhances Energy
  • Volumizes Muscle
  • Increases Lean Body Mass

More About Creatine

  • Hydrate with 3–5 liters of water daily when using creatine.
  • Stir well as creatine may settle.
  • Creatine is effective with water, no carb-loaded drink is required.
  • Muscle Blaze Creatine is Micronized - resulting in its high bioavailability



طريقة الأستخدام

Add 1 Level Scoop (5g) in 240 mL water or fruit juice.

Mix well for 30 to 45 seconds until dispersed properly.

Drink at least 3-5 litres of water per day during creatine uptake. Recommended 1 serving per day.


  • Consume at your own discretion or as per labelled recommended usage.
  • Store in a cool & dry place and away from direct sunlight.
  • Do not buy if the product seal is tampered.
  • Keep the lid always closed.
  • Store out of reach of children.

معلومات اضافية

قد تختلف القيم الغذائية باختلاف النكهة


Serving Size about 1 Level Scoop             

Serving Per Container 50


Amount Per Serving

Daily Value%

Creatine Monohydrate

5 g


** Daily Value Not Established

Ingredients: 100% Creatine Monohydrate

Allergen: May contain Soy and Barley

*Value mentioned for one serving (5g)



عن الشركة المصنعة


تأسست MuscleBlaze® عام 2012 بهدف توفير مكملات التغذية الرياضية وفقا لاحتياجات العملاء واستماعاً إلى آرائهم يوما بعد يوم. سرعان ما أصبحت MuscleBlaze® العلامة التجارية المفضلة للعملاء بفضل مفاهيمها الجديدة في الصناعة مثل الأصالة، و شهادات اختبار البروتين، والمنتجات التي تم دراستها سريرياً، وغيرها.

مسل بليز Image


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قيم هذا المنتج
بواسطةفي2025-02-04 12:28:06
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