لايت سبيد - إليكتروليت سبورت درينك
بواسطةلايت سبيد
لايت سبيد - إليكتروليت سبورت درينك Image

لايت سبيد - إليكتروليت سبورت درينك

بواسطةلايت سبيد
تاريخ التسليم المتوقع :-

حول هذا المنتج

What is LyteSpeed Sport Drink? It is an “Electrolyte Sports Drink” that contains a blend of an easily digestible and quick supply of carbohydrate as well as electrolytes (such as sodium, Potassium) that promote optimal hydration. A combination of energy sources and electrolytes enhance your Body’s ability to absorb water during exercise, maintain your endurance performance and protect against cramp. The product is mixed at appropriate concentrations of carbohydrate , sodium , Potassium and fluid (500ml serving) in order to achieve the combined aims of Energy and hydration.


Benefits of LyteSpeed? Both carbohydrate depletion and dehydration are two of the major causes of fatigue in endurance exercise. A common mistake made by endurance athletes is to consume too much or too little Carbohydrate and Electrolytes at inappropriate concentrations, causing lack of carbohydrate absorption or gastrointestinal problems. In addition to ensuring optimal carbohydrate stores and hydration status before exercise, delivering additional carbohydrate and fluid during exercise is known to improve performance, race times and delay the onset of fatigue. The specific formulation of LyteSpeed represents a strategic approach to offset the negative effects of Dehydration on your performance.

طريقة الأستخدام
ix 32 grams of powder (1 serving) with 500ml of water and drink every 45-60 minutes of exercise or as required. Once prepared, consume within 24 hours.

معلومات اضافية

قد تختلف القيم الغذائية باختلاف النكهة
Nutrition Facts:
Calories 140 calorie
Sodium 270 mg
Potassium 75 mg
Electrolytes 31 g
Carbohydrate 31 grams
عن الشركة المصنعة
ارفع من ادائك الرياضي وعزز من قدرة عضلاتك على التعافي والاستشفاء بسرعة مع لايت سبيد. العلامة التجارية المتخصصة بتحسين اداء الرياضيين لتحقيق اهدافهم والرفع من مستواهم
لايت سبيد Image


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