Fat burning and energy production is aided by L-Carnitine due to the active role that it plays in the body. According to scientific research, it helps the body in the process of converting fat to energy. When this happens it digs into the fat supply of the body and provides the kind of support that fatty acids require to be transported to the muscles where they are normally burned into energy. It is through this process that weight loss takes place, and at the same time, your athletic appearance and performance will increase.
One of the main questions that people ask is whether or not L-Carnitine is a stimulant; it is not a stimulant. Therefore you can easily combine it with any of the other diet products available and achieve the best kind of results so far.
RECOMMENDED USE ON TRAINING DAYS: Take one serving 30 minutes before exercising with a glass of water or a beverage of your choice.
RECOMMENDED USE ON NON-TRAINING DAYS: Take one serving with a glass of water or a beverage of your choice at any time of the day between meals.
Warnings: As individuals vary so will results from using this product. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
تأسست شركة " نوتريكس ريسيرتش" في عام 2002, قد كان وما زال تركيز "نوتريكس ريسيرتش" الأساسي والدائم هو تطوير وإنتاج مكملات غذائية مبتكرة وعالية الجودة بالإضافة الى التركيز على النكهة اللذيذة والمدعمة باستخدام عناصر ومكونات غذائية عالية الجودة وذات الفاعلية أكثر كفاءة. يعد هدف "نوتريكس ريسيرتش" الأساسي هو تطوير مكملات تعطي حلول فعّالة حتى يتمكن الجميع من الوصول الى أهدافهم للياقة بدنية وصحة مثالية.