أورجانيك نيشن - سبرولينا باودر
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أورجانيك نيشن - سبرولينا باودر

هذا المنتج غير متوفر حالياً. يمكنك الاطلاع على مجموعة رائعة من المنتجات البديلة المتوفرة على موقعنا.

حول هذا المنتج

Super food for super strength, meet the Spirulina Powder from Organic Nation that will have a magical effect on your strength, energy, and health, as with its benefits it will support your immunity and support your body with antioxidants to protect your body and support its health.

About Spirulina Powder: 

Spirulina powder, derived from blue-green algae, is highly nutritious and rich in antioxidants, aiding in supporting your body's health. With its powdered form, it becomes easy to incorporate into various beverages or to prepare a quick smoothie, providing you with a boost of energy to carry you through the day.

At Organic Nation we give high attention to the quality of our products, so we bring the finest and the highest quality spirulina powder to contain all its nutritional value and support your body with a wide range of nutrition components.

Organic Nation Spirulina Powder Benefits: 

  • Rich in nutrients: Spirulina Powder contains a high amount of nutrients like minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and antitoxins, and by supporting your body with them, you will ensure having a healthy body with high strength and energy
  • Rich in antioxidants: Spirulina is rich in antioxidants that will support your health and protect against cancer, strengthen your immunity, and protect your cells from oxidation that can cause cell damage.
  • Regulates your cholesterol: spirulina can decrease “LDL” bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels and raise “HDL” good cholesterol levels which will help maintain cholesterol levels in your body and protect your heart against different heart diseases.
  • Reduces blood pressure: recent studies found that one spoon of spirulina can help decrease blood pressure and it was very effective with people who have high blood pressure problems by increasing the production of nitric oxide in the veins.
  • Effective against anemia: spirulina is a very nutritious powder. It contains many minerals and vitamins, so it will be very effective in increasing the hemoglobin content of red blood cells and supporting your immunity as well as supporting your body’s strength and energy.
  • Aids your energy: With a wide range of nutrients, your body will have what it needs to stay active and healthy, providing extra strength and power throughout your day.
  • Good source of vegan protein: spirulina is completely vegan, so it will be a good option for vegans to fulfill their needs of protein throughout their day with the help of it, also it’s gluten-free and NON-GMO to maintain all its value. 




طريقة الأستخدام

-Add 1 tea spoon to your favorite green smoothie/ water or add to your favorite recipes to taste every morning.

- Pregnant or lactating women are advised to consume herbal products under the advice of the physician.

- This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease 


معلومات اضافية

قد تختلف القيم الغذائية باختلاف النكهة
Serving Size: 5 g
Servings per Container: 40
  Amount per serving
Calories 14.29 KCal
Protein 2.87 g
Carbs 1.19 g
Fat 0.39 g
Calcium 5.71 g
Iron 1.43 g
Magnesium 10.00 g
Phosphorous 5.71 g
Potassium 67.86 g
Sodium 52.14 g
Vitamin C 0.50 g
عن الشركة المصنعة

 إن أورجانك نيشن® علامة تجارية متخصصة في إنتاج أغذية طبيعية 100٪ وذات قيمة غذائية عالية (سوبر فودز). وتحاول أورجانك نيشن أن تغذي طاقتك بمجموعة كاملة من الأطعمة الصحية اللذيذة والغنية بالقيم الغذائية العالية لك ولعائلتك ولأي شخص يبحث عن نمط حياة صحي من منتجات طبيعية.

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