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ويل بينغ نيوترشن - ميلتس قهوة موكا إنيرجي
ويل بينغ نيوترشن - ميلتس قهوة موكا إنيرجي Image

ويل بينغ نيوترشن - ميلتس قهوة موكا إنيرجي

هذا المنتج غير متوفر حالياً. يمكنك الاطلاع على مجموعة رائعة من المنتجات البديلة المتوفرة على موقعنا.

حول هذا المنتج

A convenient way to get your daily caffeine fix without the hassle of grinding beans or brewing coffee! melts®️ Energy Mocha coffee strips are made with 100% roasted Arabica coffee beans along with Curcumin, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, and more to give you an energy boost without the jitters. This powerful, mind-awakening combination provides sustained energy while improving concentration, mental alertness, and wakefulness. The strong coffee flavor with a lingering, creamy chocolate aftertaste will satisfy your taste buds while providing your body and mind with extra energy to power through the day.

  • Sustained Energy
  • Fights Fatigue
  • Boosts Alertness
  • Reduces Inflammation
  • Boosts Metabolism
  • Improves Cognitive Health

It Will Mocha You So Happy!

Want more energy but don't want to feel like downing a whole cup of coffee? Looking for a healthy way to boost your energy, increase focus, and improve your mood without the caffeine crash? melts® Energy Mocha is the answer! These coffee strips use natural ingredients to elevate energy levels and help improve concentration.


Anyone who drinks cups of coffee throughout the day just to stay alert. Whether you’re trying to concentrate at work or trying to keep up with your kids, these coffee strips will give you a boost of energy and improve productivity levels, whether it’s early morning or mid-afternoon.


Get that extra dose of healthy fuel you need to power on. The delicious, authentic coffee flavor is a delight for your tastebuds while extracts like Curcumin, Vitamin B-12, and Folic Acid work to elevate energy levels, fight mental fatigue, improve serotonin and dopamine production levels, and enhance focus.

Coffee Story

Our coffee strips are crafted with a premium selection of Arabica coffee beans that are grown at higher altitudes, ranging from 1000 to 2200 meters. While arabica beans are thought to be smoother and sweeter, the level of roasting also has a significant impact on the flavor profile. The flavor of heavily roasted coffee beans is more intense and stronger, whereas the flavor of lightly roasted coffee beans remains fruity and sweet.

Tasty. Healthy. Revolutionary.

melts® are rapid dissolving nano strips that convert key plant-based extracts into nano particles. These strips 'melt' upon coming in contact with your tongue to ensure easy and complete absorption of all the goodness and nutrients in an extremely enjoyable and fun manner.

We're breaking down each ingredient in detail below to help you understand how they work!

  • Roasted Arabica Coffee
  • Curcumin
  • Vegan Vitamin D3
  • MenaquinGold® Natural Vitamin K2
  • Vitamin B12
  • Folic acid

100% Natural Plant Based Extracts

melts® patented nano technology extracts essential plant-based ingredients and converts them into tiny molecules - aka nanoparticles

Micronized Nanoparticles

Packed with bioactive ingredients, a precise dose of nanoparticles are integrated into our oral thin strips.

طريقة الأستخدام

Place a melts®️ Energy Mocha coffee strip on your tongue and allow it to dissolve.

melts®️ Energy Mocha coffee strips can be taken either pre-workout, when traveling, to boost morning productivity or beat the afternoon slump.

Store in a cool, dry place

معلومات اضافية

قد تختلف القيم الغذائية باختلاف النكهة

Serving Size: 1 strip


Amount per serving

*%RDA per serving


0.07 kcal


Total Carbohydrates

0.017 g


- Total Sugar



- Added Sugar






Total Fat



- Trans Fat









Roasted Arabica Coffee Extract



CurcuWin Curcumin Extract



Folic acid DFE



MenaquinGold Natural vitamin K2



Vitamin B12



Vitashine Vegan vitamin D3 from Lichen

600 IU


*%RDA values as per ICMR guidelines for an average adult (Moderate Work)

# %RDA values based on 2000 kcal diet as per FSS (labelling & Display) regulations

+ %RDA values not established

INGREDIENTS: pullulan, sunflower lecithin, plant cellulose, natural vanilla flavor, steviol glycosides

عن الشركة المصنعة

ويل بينغ نيوترشن هي علامة تجارية قادمة لهدف رئيسي وهو مساعدة الجميع في الحصول على الصحة الكاملة. لذلك، أدّى وجود خبراء تغذية حقيقيين في فريق ويل بينغ نيوترشن إلى دفعها لإيجاد تركيبات وأمزجة غذائية نقية ولذيذة من الفيتامينات والمعادن والمواد الغذائية لتوفير منتجات صحية في متناول أيديكم.

ويل بينغ نيوترشن Image


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