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إليت نيوترشن - جابا مع ل-ثيانين
إليت نيوترشن - جابا مع ل-ثيانين Image

إليت نيوترشن - جابا مع ل-ثيانين

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These supplements can reduce stress, worry and anxiety. They also promote good sleep and boost sleep quality, improving recovery and increasing physical and mental performance.

How does GABA work?

GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is naturally present in the body and acts as a neurotransmitter. There are also foods that can boost GABA levels, such as cabbage plants, dark green leafy vegetables and root vegetables.

GABA is a form of butyric acid that acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, which consists of the brain and spinal cord. GABA is short for gamma-aminobutyric acid. A neurotransmitter is what sends signals between our nerve cells, and being an inhibitor means that it slows down impulses from one nerve cell to another, leading to a calmer activity that prevents our nerve cells from being overstimulated.

How does l-theanine work?

L-theanine is a non-essential amino acid that occurs naturally in the plant kingdom in the leaves of tea bushes, especially in green tea.

Unlike other amino acids, L-theanine does not form proteins but has other functions in the body. Primarily, L-theanine may influence the release of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine in the brain. Serotonin is what affects our fear and anxiety but at high levels we become calmer. Dopamine is linked to the brain's reward system and when these levels are high, we feel happy and calm.

GABA + L-THEANINE is an excellent supplement for those who are looking for a recovery product or need to wind down in the evenings.

طريقة الأستخدام

Take 2 capsules daily.

معلومات اضافية

قد تختلف القيم الغذائية باختلاف النكهة

Serving Size: 2 Capsules

Servings per Container: 30


Amount per Serving

GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid)

1200 mg


200 mg

Ingredients: Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), L-theanine, Emulsifier (magnesium salts of fatty acids), Anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide).

عن الشركة المصنعة

إليت نيوتريشن هي علامة فارقة في عالم المكملات الرياضية ،حيث تلتزم بتوفير منتجات عالية الجودة وفعّالة لدعم احتياجاتك الصحية والرياضة سواء أكنت من  الرياضيين المحترفين او حتى من هواة اللياقة البدنية. وتشتهر إليت نيوتريشن  بتقديم منتجات ذات جودة عالية، ومذاق رائع، ونتائج مضمونة مما يجعلها الخيارالأمثل لتمارين أكثر قوة.

إليت نيوترشن Image